Acupuncture Clinic of Grinnell


Anne Stephens, certified by the highly regarded Feng Shui School of Chicago, provides both residential and business consultations. Feng Shui helps transform your space to promote health, energy, and clarity.


WHAT IS Feng Shui? 

Feng Shui is the art of arranging your home with mindfulness and the intent to positively improve the flow of energy in your space. Your home and belongings are a direct reflection of how you move in the world. When they become a distraction they can have a negative impact on your life and your health. Feng Shui improves your relationship with your space by creating a connection to your surroundings. Being conscious of your homes layout and arranging it in a way that improves how you and energy move through your space can help you achieve your goals and positively impact your life.


Feng Shui helps turn your living space into a positive atmosphere that promotes health, increases energy, and a provides a peaceful environment. When you’re aware of your space and mindfully curate your rooms and possessions, you’re able to reduce distractions and direct your attention towards achieving your life goals. Everything in your home is both a reflection of your current circumstances and an indication of the direction in which you are moving. It is vitally important to ensure that the energy in your home is positively impacting your life. Small adjustments can provide huge benefits to your health, wealth, and relationships.

Anne's Feng Shui Apporach

Anne practices a type of Feng Shui that is part of the Black Sect Tantric Buddhism School (BTB). This school is a combination of Classical and Intuitive Feng Shui and incorporates both ancient wisdom and Western sensibilities. A Feng Shui energy map with 8 sections, called a ba-gua, is oriented over a space aligned with the location of the front door of the home. Anne’s advanced training in Chinese Medicine and post doc studies in China give her a deeper understanding of the ba-gua and the 5 elements that are so fundamental to the practice of Feng Shui. In Traditional Chinese medicine health is simply the harmonious balance of the elements within the body. In Feng Shui the 5 elements are incorporated into the home to elevate and balance the energy of the home’s inhabitants. Anne’s extensive training in Oriental Medicine allows for more nuanced and complex Feng Shui analysis.


Feng Shui consultations typically cost less than $300, but your exact fee will be based on your goals, the size of your space, what needs to be accomplished, and your proximity to Grinnell, Iowa. On-site visits can range anywhere from 2-hours to 5-hours. To learn about your consultation cost contact Anne at (641) 821-0108 for a free estimate.

How to get started

Call (641) 821-0108 to request your free Feng Shui consultation estimate!

Anne Stephens, certified by the gold-level Feng Shui School of Chicago, provides both residential and business consultations. Consultations are customized for each space and the client’s objectives. A typical consultation includes the following:

  • Personalized interview and questionnaire to learn about your goals.

  • A full analysis of the current state of your space including a blue print

  • A detailed report providing energy flow aesthetic improvements (e.g. paint, furnishing, etc.), guidance and suggestions for placing furniture and possessions according to the ba gua, decluttering techniques, and a customized program that will allow you to continue to benefit from your Feng Shui certified space.